Odds 'N Ends - poems, articles, etc

    Here are some poems for you to read. Warning, you may want to have some kleenex nearby.

    I Am Your Puppy

    I am your Puppy, and I will love you until the end of the Earth, but please know a few things about me.

    I am a Puppy, this means that my intelligence and capacity for learning are the same as an 8-month-old child. I am a Puppy; I will chew EVERYTHING I can get my teeth on. This is how I explore and learn about the world. Even HUMAN children put things in their mouths. It's up to you to guide me to what is mine to chew and what is not.

    I am a Puppy; I cannot hold my bladder for longer than 1 - 2 hours. I cannot "feel" that I need to poop until it is actually beginning to come out. I cannot vocalize nor tell you that I need to go, and I cannot have "bladder and bowel control" until 6 - 9 months. Do not punish me if you have not let me out for 3 hours and I tinkle. It is your fault. As a Puppy, it is wise to remember that I NEED to go potty after: Eating, Sleeping, playing, Drinking and around every 2 - 3 hours in addition. If you want me to sleep through the night, then do not give me water after 7 or 8 p.m. A crate will help me learn to housebreak easier, and will avoid you being mad at me. I am a Puppy, accidents WILL happen, please be patient with me! In time I will learn.

    I am a Puppy, I like to play. I will run around, and chase imaginary monsters, and chase your feet and your toes and 'attack' you, and chase fuzzballs, other pets, and small kids. It is play; it's what I do. Do not be mad at me or expect me to be sedate, mellow and sleep all day. If my high energy level is too much for you, maybe you could consider an older rescue from a shelter or Rescue group. My play is beneficial, use your wisdom to guide me in my play with appropriate toys, and activities like chasing a rolling ball, or gentle tug games, or plenty of chew toys for me. If I nip you too hard, talk to me in "dog talk", by giving a loud YELP, I will usually get the message, as this is how dogs communicate with one another. If I get too rough, simply ignore me for a few moments, or put me in my crate with an appropriate chew toy.

    I am a Puppy; hopefully you would not yell, hit, strike, kick or beat a 6-month-old human infant, so please do not do the same to me. I am delicate, and also very impressionable. If you treat me harshly now, I will grow up learning to fear being hit, spanked, kicked or beat. Instead, please guide me with encouragement and wisdom. For instance, if I am chewing something wrong, say, "No chew!" and hand me a toy I CAN chew. Better yet, pick up ANYTHING that you do not want me to get into. I can't tell the difference between your old sock and your new sock, or an old sneaker and your $200 Nikes.

    I am a Puppy, and I am a creature with feelings and drives much like your own, but yet also very different. Although I am NOT a human in a dog suit, neither am I an unfeeling robot who can instantly obey your every whim. I truly DO want to please you, and be a part of your family, and your life. You got me (I hope) because you want a loving partner and companion, so do not relegate me to the backyard when I get bigger, do not judge me harshly but instead mold me with gentleness and guidelines and training into the kind of family member you want me to be.

    I am a Puppy and I am not perfect, and I know you are not perfect either. I love you anyway. So please, learn all you can about training, and puppy behaviors and caring for me from your Veterinarian, books on dog care and even researching on the computer! Learn about my particular breed and it's "characteristics", it will give you understanding and insight into WHY I do all the things I do. Please teach me with love, patience, the right way to behave and socialize me with training in a puppy class or obedience class, we will BOTH have a lot of un together.

    I am a Puppy and I want more than anything to love you, to be with you, and to please you. Won't you please take time to understand how I work? We are the same you and I, in that we both feel hunger, pain, thirst, discomfort, fear, but yet we are also very different and must work to understand one another's language, body signals, wants and needs. Some day I will be a handsome dog, hopefully one you can be proud of and one that you will love as much as I love you.

              Your Puppy

    May be posted, reposted, cross-posted and used with permission as long as credit is given. Copyright 2000, by J. Ellis - Southern Shadows Rottweilers.

    10 Things A Dog Asks Of It's Family

    1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any permanent separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.

    2. Do not break my spirit with harsh treatment. Your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me learn.

    3. Place your trust in me, it's crucial for my well-being.

    4. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as a punishment, you have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I have only you and I like being with you.

    5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words I understand the tone of your voice when you are speaking to me, especially when you use friendly tones.

    6. Be aware that I am normally a social animal, however I need to make positive associations at a young age to feel confident and well adjusted around other dogs and humans.

    7. Remember that I was bred for activity, both mental and physical and I enjoy playing games, taking walks and an occasional good run.

    8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something may be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I may need medical attention, or I may just be getting old. But keep in mind I respond very well to praise.

    9. Take care of me when I get old; you, too, will grow old.

    10. Remember that I only want to love and to please you so treat me kindly.

    From a Lonely Dog

    I wish someone would tell me what it is
    That I've done wrong.
    Why do I have to stay chained up and be

    Left alone so long?
    They seemed so glad to have me when
    I came here as a pup.
    There were so many things we'd do
    While I was growing up.
    The Master said he'd train me as a
    companion and a friend.
    The Mistress said she'd never fear
    To be left alone again.
    The children said they'd feed me and
    Brush me every day.
    They'd play with me and walk me
    If I would only stay.
    But now the Master "hasn't Time"
    The Mistress says I shed.
    She doesn't want me in the house
    Not even to be fed.
    The children never walk me
    They always say, "Not now".
    I wish that I could please them.
    Won't someone tell me how?
    All I had, you see, was love.
    I wish they would explain
    Why they said they wanted mine,
    And then left it on a chain.

    author: Edith Lassen Johnson


    My family brought me home cradled in their arms.
    They cuddled me and smiled at me and said I was full of charm.
    They played with me and laughed with me and showered me with toys.
    I sure do love my family, especially the girls and boys.
    The children loved to feed me, they gave me special treats.
    They even let me sleep with them - all snuggled in the sheets.
    I used to go for walks, often several times a day.
    They even fought to hold the leash, I'm very proud to say.
    These are the things I'll not forget - a cherished memory.
    I now live in the shelter-without my family.
    They used to laugh and praise me when I played with that old shoe.
    But I didn't know the difference between the old ones and the new.
    The kids and I would grab a rag, for hours we would tug.
    So I thought I did the right thing when I chew the bedroom rug.
    They said that I was out of control, and would have to live outside.
    This I did not understand, although I tried and tried.
    The walks stopped, one by one; they said they hadn't time.
    I wish that I could change things, I wish I knew my crime.
    My life became so lonely, in the backyard, on a chain.
    I barked and barked all day long to keep from going insane.
    So they brought me to the shelter but were embarrassed to say why,
    They said I caused an allergy, and then they each kissed me goodbye.
    If I'd only had some classes, as a little pup.
    I wouldn't have been so hard to handle when I was all grown up.
    "You only have one day left." I heard the worker say.
    Does that mean I have a second chance? DO I GO HOME TODAY?

    author: Sandi Thompson


    I was born today. One of ten. My daddy was very famous. I have lots of half brothers and sisters. My mother is very famous. Since she got famous, she only has puppies. No more loving hands. No more fun trips...just puppies. She is always sad when they leave her.

    I left home today. I didn't want to go, so I hid behind my mama and my 3 littermates that were left. I didn't like you. But one day they said I would be famous. I wonder-is famous the same as fun and good times? So you picked me up and carried me away, even though you were concerned about me hiding from you. I don't think you liked me.

    My new home is far away. I am scared and afraid. My heart says, "BE BRAVE". My ancestors were. Did they go to "good homes", like mine? I'm hungry because I can't eat too much because it will be bad for my bones. I can't bite or snap when the children are mean to me. I just run and play and pretend I am in a big green fiels with butterflies and robins and frogs. I can't understand why they kick me.

    I am quiet but the man hits and says loud things. The lady doesn't feed me good things like I had with my mother. She just throws dry food on the ground, then goes away before I can too close for touching and petting. Sometimes my food smells bad but I eat it anyway.

    Today I had ten puppies. They are so wonderful and warm. Am I famous now? I wish I could play with them, but they are so tiny. I am so young and playful that it is hard to lay here in this hole under the house nursing my puppies. They are crying now. I am so hungry. I scratch and worry at my fur. I wish someone would throw me some food. I am also very thirsty.

    Now I have eight puppies. They got cold in the night and I could not make them warm again. They are gone. We are all very weak. Maybe if I take them all out on the porch, we could get some food?

    Today they took us away. Someone grabbed my puppies. They cried and whimpered. We were put into a truck with boxes in it. Are my babies famous now? I hope so because i miss them. They are gone, and this new place smells of urine, fear and sickness. Why am I here? I was beautiful and proud like my ancestors. Now I am hungry, dirty, in pain and unwanted. Maybe the worst is unwanted. No one came although I tried to be good.

    Today someone came. They put a rope on me and led me to a room that was very clean and had a shiny table. They put me on the table and someone held me and hugged me. It felt so good!! Then I felt tired and laid down in the arms of someone who cared.


    Author Unknown


    No more lonely cold nights or hearing that I'm bad.
    No more growling belly from the meals I never had.
    No more scorching sunshine with a water bowl that's dry.
    No more complaining neighbors about the noise when I cry.
    No more hearing "shut up", "get down" or "get out of here"!
    No more feeling disliked, only peace is in the air.
    Euthanasia is a blessing, though some still can't see
    why I was ever born If I weren't meant to be.
    My last day of living was the best I ever had.
    Someone held me very close, I could see she was very sad.
    I kissed the lady's face, and she hugged me as she cried.
    I wagged my tail to thank her, then I closed my eyes and died.

    Written by an Animal shelter volunteer in Massena, NY

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